May I Have Your Order, Please?: How to get what you want from God! – eBook

- ISBN: 9780768404760, 9780768404760
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-01-28
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Destiny Image
- Language:
- Author: Rickie Rush
Pastor Rickie G. Rush is one of the most cutting-edge pastors in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. His unique demonstrative style of preaching has allowed his ministry to grow from a faithful few to a flourishing flock of over 14,000.
In his book, “May I Have Your Order, Please?” he uses six principles to help Christians go from prayer to possessing the promises of God.
This very energetic book takes the believer on a step-by-step trip through the drive-through window of life. Using the common scenario of a fast-food restaurant drive-through window, Rush positions Christians at the ultimate place – the menu board, where God is waiting with one simple question; “May I have Your Order, Please?”
“As Director of ALPS, Advanced Leadership and Pastoral School at Christ For The Nations Institute, I have sat in many of Dr. Rickie Rush’s classes here at the Bible School, and I marvel at the passion, the wonder, the awe that is inside this man for The Body of Christ, the Church. Pastor Rush is masterful at ‘object lessons’ which not only leave you with the Word but also a ‘picture’ which becomes engrained in your spirit.”
Dr. Jack Hatcher
Director of ALPS
Christ For The Nations
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