Linguistics and the Bible: Retrospects and Prospects – eBook

- ISBN: 9781532659126, 9781532659126
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-07-12
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Pickwick Publications
- Language:
- Author: Stanley E. Porter
In 2016, the Centre for Biblical Linguistics, Translation, and Exegesis (CBLTE), a research center located at McMaster Divinity College, hosted the annual Bingham Colloquium. Scholars from around North America were invited to participate in a collegial and collaborative dialogue on what is currently happening (or could happen) at the intersection of linguistics and biblical studies, particularly in regards to the linguistic study of biblical languages, their translation, and the way that linguistic methods can contribute to the interpretation of the biblical texts. This volume of essays publishes many of the presentations that took place at the Colloquium.
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