Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization Teacher's Manual (2nd Edition)

- ISBN: 1623412595, 9781623412593
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2016
- Format: Spiral Bound
- Publisher: Institute For Excellence In Writing
- Language:
- Author: Andrew Pudewa
Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization from the Institute of Excellence in writing introduces students to a source of powerful and sophisticated linguistic patterning available to children: memorized language, especially memorized poetry.
Memorization helps to improve the brain, build mental discipline, and strengthen the spirit. This long-term program is designed to help students memorize dozens of poems, be able to recite them, and then retain their memorization abilities for life.
This program will take several years to complete; poems are divide into four levels with a fifth level featuring speeches. Level 1 begins with short enjoyable verses that gradually increase in length and sophistication; the last level's memorization selections include Socrates' Apology by Plato, We Shall Fight on the Beaches by Winston Churchill, The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln & more.
Students and the teacher recite one poem several times per day. A mastery-based program, the second poem is introduced and practiced after the first is mastered; however it's still repeated daily—as part of class, in the car, or during chores. By the end of the level, students can recite every poem they've learned. 20 selections per level.
This teacher's guide includes instructions, memory charts, certificates, and poet biographies.
206 pages, Spiral-bound soft cover. 2nd Edition. Grades K -12.
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