Like No Other: The Life of Christ – Bible Study Book

- ISBN: 1430035013, 9781087737768
- Page count: 80
- Published: 2014
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Lifeway
- Language:
- Author: Tony Evans
Like No Other Group Member Book includes a small group experience for eight sessions, applicable Scripture, key word study, and a life application section called "Live It Out."
Jesus Christ is central to the Christian faith. That statement may seem obvious, but even Christians need a constant reminder that everything in our faith is built upon the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every aspect of Jesus’ life—from His birth to His current exalted state—is unique from any other person. His uniqueness means His life and character merit our fullest attention, and because He is uniquely God, His life and character greatly impact our lives.
Session titles:
Promised Like No Other (Isaiah 53:2-12)
A Birth Like No Other (Luke 1:26-35)
Power Like No Other (Mark 4:35-41)
Teachings Like No Other (Mark 1:21-22; 10:17-22)
Death Like No Other (Matthew 27:28-31, 45-50,54)
Resurrected Like No Other (Matthew 28:1-10)
Ascended Like No Other (Acts 1:3-11)
Exalted Like No Other (Ephesians 1:7-10, 18-23)
Teaching videosBiblically rooted and gospel-centered contentLife application-based, topical studiesStreamlined experienceCommentary and word study
Expose your group and yourself to an applicable knowledge of Jesus and His uniquenessRemind believers and teach non-believers about the centrality of Jesus to the faithGet biblical insight for your life…today
Dr. Tony Evans is a pastor, teacher, author, speaker, and one of the country's most respected leaders in evangelical circles. Through his local church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, and national ministry, The Urban Alternative, Dr. Evans promotes a Kingdom agenda philosophy that teaches God's comprehensive rule over every sphere of life as demonstrated through the individual, family, church, and society.
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