Letters to a Devastated Christian: Healing for the Brokenhearted

- ISBN: 0940232693, 9780940232693
- Page count: 94
- Published: 2014-04-25
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Seedsowers
- Language:
- Author: Gene Edwards
Damaged by the domination of an overly authoritative Christian group, Ken finds himself a troubled young man with many questions. Ken's experience is representative of the large number of individuals who have been hurt by different Christian movements during the last decade.
In Letters to a Devastated Christian, Gene Edwards explains the different techniques practiced by Christian groups who demand extreme submission and passivity from their members.
The book's final chapters include some very personal and practical letters to those who have left such groups only to be faced with the difficult tasks of dealing with bitterness and resentment and rebuilding their faith and trust.
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