Let's Talk: Praying Your Way to a Deeper Relationship with God – eBook

- ISBN: 9781572938670, 9781572938670
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Our Daily Bread Publishing
- Language:
- Author: Bill Crowder
Communicating with God can sometimes be difficult and even unsatisfying. In Let’s Talk, Bill Crowder presents fresh viewpoints that remind readers of what an extraordinary privilege it is to enter into the throne room of God. Encouraging them to enlarge their view of and appreciation for prayer, Crowder offers biblical insights into who God is and why prayer matters. Let’s Talk motivates readers to make prayer a priority in their walk with God. Readers can find a renewed sense of dependency on the Sovereign God and desire to pursue a more intimate relationship with Him through prayer.
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