Legends & Leagues North Workbook
Ned Bustard- ISBN: 1936648180, 9781936648184
- Page count: 168
- Published: 2015
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Veritas Press
- Language:
- Author: Ned Bustard
The Legends and Leagues grammar-level geography curriculum from Veritas Press is comprised of an introductory course (Legends & Leagues – Grade 1) and four levels named after the cardinal directions, each of which requires a book and workbook; the Audio Memory Geography Songs is also suggested. It is recommended that levels be completed in the order of: South (Grade 2), East (Grade 3), North (Grade 4), and West (Grade 5).
This North Workbook is designed to be used with the North Storybook (sold-separately), and includes full-color worksheets that cover vocabulary, comprehension, map work, and study questions based on the region. Optional activity worksheets (such as Local Flavor, Legends, Sightseeing, and Souvenirs) are also included, along with quizzes and two tests.
Scheduling can be altered to best suit your family; this workbook can be compressed into a single semester, or taught over a full year, at the pace of working two days every other week.
Line listed answer key included. 159 non-reproducible pages with glossary, softcover; consumable workbook. Grade 4.
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