Laughing All the Way: Wit, Wisdom, and Willpower for the Golden Years

- ISBN: 0736973648, 9780736973649
- Page count: 192
- Published: 2018-08-07
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Language:
- Author: Karen O'Connor
Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number!
Popular humorist Karen O'Connor (over half a million books sold) shares inspiration and practical insight, drawing from her own experiences to help you glide through your golden years with grace, humor, and anticipation.
Join Karen as she shares funny yet poignant personal anecdotes to encourage you to make new choices, accept new challenges, take new chances, and open new chapters in your life.
Each story concludes with a triumvirate of truth for you to take away:
Wit—"I never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once, but I was wrong." – Charles M. Schulz
Wisdom—We all stumble in many ways… (James 3:2)
Willpower—I will count myself human and let go of my senior moments. After all, I am a senior!
Above all, know that God is with you every step of your journey and can't wait to greet you in heaven someday. But today is not that day, so live your senior life to the fullest!
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