L. O. V. E.: Putting Your Love Styles to Work for You Audiobook [Download]

- ISBN: 0310772893, 9780310772897
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2010
- Format: Audio Download
- Publisher: Zondervan
- Language:
- Author: Dr. Les Parrott
Everyone’s personality is designed to give and receive love uniquely. Once men and women understand how they and their spouses are hard-wired for love, each can uncover their own “Love Style”—and take their love for one another to a whole new level. Relationship experts Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott stand on a mountain of research to show readers how this single insight can revolutionize a couple’s relationship. Never before have consumers had such an easy-to-use and scientifically proven tool for pin-pointing their partner’s approach to love. L.O.V.E. is accompanied by a set of his/her workbooks expressly designed for couples to drill down into the content of each chapter. These are also ideal for group study. Couples will learn how their two personalities, in combination, approach vital issues such as communication and conflict, as well as sex and intimacy. This is not the typical marriage book. It’s a practical tool for husbands and wives to love each other like they never have before.
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