Knowing the Facts about Mantras and Mandalas – eBook

- ISBN: 9781937136925, 9781937136925
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Ankerberg Theological
- Language:
- Author: John Ankerberg
Mantras are sacred sounds and mandalas are sacred pictures (usually four-sided) employed for specific spiritual purposes such as occult forms of meditation and enlightenment Many mantras and some mandalas are held to have originated as a supernatural revelation from the gods or spirits with which they are associated. They function as a means of focusing the mind, e.g., in meditation and visualization, and thus to assist the seeker along a given spiritual path. Many who use these methods believe that they are relatively innocent or harmless forms of spiritual practice, but there are potential dangers, which this book exposes.
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