KJV Gift Edition Bible–imitation leather, brown

- ISBN: , 9781432132651
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2020-02-17
- Format: Imitation Leather
- Publisher: Christian Art Gifts
- Language:
- Author:
This beautifully classic King James Version Bible makes a thoughtful gift for a special birthday or a life event such as a graduation or an engagement. Composed with an imitation leather cover that has an ornate filigree border design framing the gold foiled title and heat debossed edition imprint. The inviting design continues onto the spine, featuring heat debossed faux spine ribbing and translation imprint, along with a gold foiled title. The Bible's interior features a standard 9-point type in a double-column format, thumb-index, reader-friendly subheadings, and thematic Scripture verse finder. Additional resources for biblical study include a reading plan that is structured to help you read through the entire Bible in a single year. A presentation page is included to complete with a special encouraging message in case you decide to give this beautiful KJV Bible as a gift.
Brown Faux Leather CoverHeat Debossed designGold Foiled TitleClassic King James VersionGilt-Edged PagesThumb-indexFlexcoverLay-Flat Spine Attached Ribbon Page Marker Reader-friendly SubheadingsDouble-column FormatThematic Scripture Verse Finder One-Year Bible Reading PlanPresentation PageWords of Christ in Red9 point Type
Review KJV Gift Edition Bible–imitation leather, brown.