Joven valiente (Choose Greatness)
Gary Chapman- ISBN: 0825459133, 9780825459139
- Page count: 176
- Published: 2021-03-23
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Editorial Portavoz
- Language:
- Author: Gary Chapman
Nadie tiene una vida extraordinaria por casualidad. Una vida que vale la pena vivir se construye paso a paso. Se elabora a partir de miles de decisiones cotidianas que, a menudo, parecen poco importantes en el momento. Eso significa que, si se quiere tener una vida extraordinaria, hoy es el día para comenzar. Este libro puede ayudar y enseñar al lector respecto a once decisiones importantes que todos los jóvenes tendrán que tomar una y otra vez si quieren tener una vida extraordinaria.
Extraordinary lives don't happen by accident. A life worth living is built inch by inch. It's crafted out of a thousand everyday decisions that often seem unimportant at the time. That means, if you want an extraordinary life, today is the day to get started. This book can help and teach the reader about eleven important decisions that all young men have to make over and ove again if they want a great life.
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