Journeying into God: Seven Early Monastic Lives

- ISBN: 0800628551, 9780800628550
- Page count: 207
- Published: 1996-05-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Fortress Press
- Language:
- Author: Tim Vivian
Journeying into God tells the fascinating stories of seven male and female monks from the fourth to the seventh centuries c.e. and their quests to imitate Christ and live the gospel fully. Saint Anthony, Abba Pambo, Syncletica of Palestine, Saint George of Choziba, Abba Aaron, Saint Theognius, and Saint Onnophrius come to life through translations of biographical documents from Greek and Coptic.
Each saint's life is introduced with historical and theological background. Discussions of women, the structure of a monastery, miracles and relics, and the cult of the saints illuminate the texts and also supply helpful overviews of topics that are central to the understanding of early monasticism.
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