Jesús lleno del Espíritu, Filled With the Spirit of Jesus
- ISBN: 1629994006, 9781629994000
- Page count: 272
- Published: 2018-10-16
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Casa Creacion
- Language:
- Author:
Cuando Jesús necesitaba ayuda, Él acudía al ayudador. ¿A quién acude usted?
Si Jesús necesitaba ayuda, todos nosotros también. Jesús lleno del Espíritu explora el papel del Espíritu Santo en y a través de la vida de Jesús, revelando aspectos de la vida de Él que no habían sido analizados antes y que le ayudan a usted a ver la manera en que esto se aplica a su vida. Al entender cómo llevó Jesús su vida a través del poder del Espíritu Santo, usted aprenderá cómo:
Mantener la salud emocional aun durante las dificultadesRedimir sus relaciones con amigos, familiares y enemigosSer perfeccionado a través del sufrimientoPerdonar a los demás como Jesús lo perdona a ustedVencer lo demoníaco con cinco armas que dios nos da
“Mark Driscoll is one of the best thinkers and Bible teachers in the church today. He is also deeply spiritual and understands the work of the Holy Spirit from his own personal experience.”—Jimmy Evans, Founder and CEO of MarriageToday, Lead Apostolic Senior Pastor at Gateway Church
When Jesus needed help, He went to the Helper. Where do you go?
If Jesus needed help, we all do. Spirit-Filled Jesus explores the role of the Holy Spirit in and through the life of Jesus, revealing aspects of His life that have not been examined before and helping you see how this applies to you. In understanding how Jesus lived His life through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will learn how to:
Maintain emotional health even during hardshipRedeem your relationships with friends, family, and enemiesBe perfected through sufferingForgive others as Jesus forgives youDefeat the demonic with five God-given weapons
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