Jesus Christ Liberator: A Critical Christology for Our Time

- ISBN: 0883442361, 9780883442364
- Page count: 0
- Published: 1978-10-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Orbis Books
- Language:
- Author: Leonardo Boff
From the publisher: Who is Jesus Christ for us today? By what names do we call him? Just as the early Christians developed different names for Jesus, so too must we discover the meaning of Jesus for our day. This book is Boff's distinctive contribution to contemporary christology. Boff writes, "Christology thought out and vitally tested in Latin America must have chracteristics of its own. The attentive reader will percieve them throughout this book. The predominantly foreign literature that we cite ought not to delude anyone. It is with preoccupations that our ours alone, taken from our Latin American context, that we will reread not only the old texts of the New Testament but also the most recent commentaries written in Europe."
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