In the Breaking of the Bread: A User's Guide to a Service of Holy Communion in the Anglican Tradition – eBook

- ISBN: 9781498271363, 9781498271363
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2010-11-15
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wipf & Stock
- Language:
- Author:
This book is for people who are new to a form of Christian worship that is centered on the weekly celebration of the Holy Communion. It will be a help to people moving from a non-liturgical church to a more liturgical church and to those contemporary Christians who are seeking an ancient-future form of Christian worship. Those who are familiar with Eucharistic worship will encounter new treasures that have been hiding in plain sight. The book follows carefully the service of Holy Communion as it is celebrated in a local congregation, describing what is done and why. The service chosen is from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. Christians of other traditions will find close parallels to the way this central act of worship is celebrated in their own tradition.
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