In His Steps

- ISBN: 164352416X, 9781643524160
- Page count: 256
- Published: 2019
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Barbour Books
- Language:
- Author: Charles M. Sheldon
For more than 120 years, Sheldon's classic novel has been challenging believers to consider "What would Jesus do?" Featuring the complete text of Sheldon's bestseller, this budget-priced edition will introduce you to men and women from a well-to-do congregation who ask themselves that life-transforming question—and discover what it means to truly follow Christ. Please note: In His Steps was originally published in 1896. This edition contains the original, unrevised text and may contain words that at the time of publication were common, but have since changed meaning, and may sound unusual or cause unitended offense to current readers. 256 pages, paperback.
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