íCuidado con esa boca! (Watch Your Mouth)

- ISBN: 0825457610, 9780825457616
- Page count: 206
- Published: 2018
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Editorial Portavoz
- Language:
- Author: Tony Evans
Deja que tus palabras ministren y hablen vida al el mundo que te rodea. íCuidado con esa boca! es un recurso convincente para ayudarte a aprender a dominar tu lengua. Con ideas que transforman la vida compartidas a traves de lecciones y anecdotas interesantes, aprenderas lo que la Biblia ensena sobre hablar. Se inspirado por la ensenanza de Tony sobre la lengua y modela con tu boca el caracter de Dios.
Let your words minister to and speak life into the world around you. Watch Your Mouth is a compelling resource to help you learn to tame your tongue. With life-changing insights shared through engaging lessons and anecdotes, you'll learn what the Bible teaches about talking. Get inspired by Tony's teaching on the tongue and model with your mouth the character of God.
Review íCuidado con esa boca! (Watch Your Mouth).