How You Live: Lessons Learned from Point of Grace – eBook

- ISBN: 9781535984744, 9781535984744
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2020-10-27
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: B&H Books
- Language:
- Author: Leigh Cappillino
Whether it’s starting a new job, graduating from school, welcoming a new baby in the house, sending a child off out of the nest, or simply dealing with the daily battles of worry, fear, health, and faith, we’ve all been there before, and we all come out on the other side with lesson learned. And that’s exactly the kind of message this beautiful coffee table book offers. With more than twenty years of experience in work, marriage, parenting, faith, and music, the GRAMMY Nominated and Dove-award winning ladies of Point of Grace—beloved and longtime CCM artists—share the the lessons God has taught them in these areas and many more:
FaithMarriageParentingGraduationNew JobsBabiesPreparing for an Empty NestPriorities and RoutinesGratitudeParentingWorryBoundariesHealthAuthenticityCollege
The back section also offers a journaling space for you to move beyond our stories and record your own lessons learned. Use this space to remind yourself of His great grace in the future, or perhaps even pass on these insights as a gift to a loved one who might need your wisdom now.
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