How Then Shall We Escape?

- ISBN: 1602665176, 9781602665170
- Page count: 184
- Published: 2007-06-05
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: CrossBooks
- Language:
- Author: Daniel L. McNab TH.D.
"HOW THEN SHALL WE ESCAPE?" by Daniel Mc Nab The author seeks to hold the reader's attention with this thought provoking question of eternal importance. He says that believers and seekers will only begin to fully understand the depth the height, and the immeasurable expanse of the love of God for lost humanity with a better understanding of Paul's 'Letter to the Hebrews.' At enormous cost to Himself God sent forth His Son into the world to seek and to save lost humanity. No one ever seek after God. It is always God seeking after us. Ever since the fall of Adam and Eve to the present period of this earth's history, God has been seeking to bridge the gap that sin has caused between Himself and our rebellious fallen race. God desires to have fellowship- close communion with mankind. As proof of God's final call He sent His Son Jesus Christ to make God's love known to us, and to bridge the gulf that developed between man and His Creator. Jesus Christ is God's final call to lost mankind, and He went to the cross to prove the everlasting love of God for us. In Jesus Christ God gave His all to redeem us from bondage to sin. Now after all that God has done, if we reject His final call-" How then shall we Escape? The author graduated from Andersonville Baptist Seminary, Camilla, Georgia, with a Master of Theology degree. The Seminary's name was changed to reflect the coverage of its student body to Andersonville Theological Seminary. Dan has completed all the requirements and expects to be in the 2007 graduating class with a Doctorate of Theology degree this coming May. He is a Registered Nurse with 42 years experience. His greatest desire is to see Jesus when He comes again. He currently findshimself in his Master's service working with Life Path Hospice in Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida., U.S.A.
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