Hope Against Hope: The Anchor of Our Soul – eBook

- ISBN: 9780990657156, 9780990657156
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: King's High Way
- Language:
- Author: Nancy Missler
Hope is something we can possess, but it is also something we can lose. You can have faith, but still be hopeless. After being a Christian for over 60 years, I, too, lost my hope this past year as I faced overwhelming and multiple physical challenges. When you lose your hope, you not only lose your mooring and your grounding, you also lose your vision and your dreams. But God loved me so much that He used my pain and suffering to teach me what real hope in Him means.
That's what this book is all about.
Hope is the tie or the connection to the Lord behind the veil. Hope not only allows us to see Him who is invisible in the midst of our trials, it also gives us the endurance to go on. Only hope can become the anchor of our soul when everything around us is crashing and burning. (Hebrews 6:18 19) Like Abraham, who against hope believed in hope, we must learn to unconditionally trust the Lord to do the impossible, regardless of what we see, what we think or what we feel. (Romans 4:18)
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