Hope's Daughters: A Helping a Day of Wisdom and Hope – eBook

- ISBN: 9781630874025, 9781630874025
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-08-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Resource Publications
- Language:
- Author:
This volume throws out a lifeline to all who are running low on hope–those going under, losing their grip, slipping away, falling, failing, listing, losing, lost–as well as to those looking to enliven and embolden their hope. Hope's Daughters takes a comprehensive, 360-degree approach to hope, drawing inspiration from nature, history, poetry, science, philosophy, religion, psychology, fiction, art, biography, sports, children, and current events. This hope "reader" is deeply personal, drawing on the author's thirty years spent in hospital chaplaincy plumbing the depths with patients, their families, and their caregivers. Willis writes not from some ivory tower, but out of the hot caldron of human suffering. As "a lover of words, quotations, and stories, and one who aspired to serve others as a hope-prompter," Willis packs every page with a two-minute drill to jumpstart hope each day. For hurried people, this book removes life's husk and gets straight down to the kernel. As a cornucopia of wisdom and hope, Hope's Daughters is an eminently practical gift for those seeking to keep hope alive and well.
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