Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical History – eBook

- ISBN: 9781433670008, 9781433670008
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2003-06-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Holman Reference
- Language:
- Author:
In this guide Kendell H. Easley provides both novices and advanced Bible students a way of placing the Bible'smyriad of details into an easy-to-grasp pattern.Being able to locate people and events on the timeline of Bible history enhances understanding of particular chapters and verses. Since the books of the Bible aren'tarranged in historical sequence, it'seasy to miss connections between various events and people that appear in different books. Now the Holman Illustrated Guide to Biblical History enables the reader to see numerous connections that otherwise might have eluded them. Photos, maps, timelines, and text all work together to help students of the Bible come to a new level of understanding what God has done and what He does and will do.
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