Hispanic/Latino Theology

- ISBN: 0800629213, 9780800629212
- Page count: 0
- Published: 1996-05-20
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
- Language:
- Author: Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz
United States Hispanic/Latino voices have emerged in the last ten years to become one of the strongest and most creative theological movements in the Americas. Fully ecumenical and organized in systematic, collaborative framework, this major volume features Hispanic theology's sources (the Bible, church history, cultural memory, literature, oral tradition, pentecostalism), loci (urban barrios, Puerto Rico, exile, liberation, social sciences, Latina feminists), and rich and vigorous expressions (mujerista theology, popular religion, theopoetics). Contributors include:Yamina ApolinarisGuilbert CadenasOrlando EspnFranciso Garca-TretoJusto GonzlezOtto MaduroElena Olazagasti-SegoviaHarold J. RecinosJos David RodrguezFernando F. SegoviaMaria Pilar AquinoAna Maria Daz-StevensIsmael GarciaRoberto GoizuetaAda Mara Isasi-DazDaisy MachadoSandra Mangual-RodrquezAna Maria PinedaJeanette RodrquezSamuel SolivanHispanic/Latino Theology not only celebrates the full flowering of U.S. Latino work, it also splendidly reveals the exciting possibilities and future shape of contextual theologies in close touch with the daily realities of struggling people.
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