Higher English for CfE: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation – Answers and Marking Schemes / Digital original – eBook

- ISBN: 9781471844409, 9781471844409
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2015-05-15
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Hodder Gibson
- Language:
- Author: Ann Bridges
Exam Board: SQA
Level: Higher
Subject: English
First Teaching: September 2014
First Exam: June 2015
This book (which is photocopiable within the purchasing institution) provides detailed suggested marking instructions to use alongside the student book of the same name, which offers practice in the Higher element of Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation – worth 30% of marks in the final exam. Written by two highly experienced authors, the student book introduces the terms and concepts that lie behind success and offers guidance on the interpretation of questions and targeting answers.
– Acquire and improve the skills needed for success in this area of CfE Higher
– Detailed marking instructions to reflect the style of assessments in this section of the paper
– Revise for the exam using the practice papers in the accompanying student book
Review Higher English for CfE: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation – Answers and Marking Schemes / Digital original – eBook.