Heaven's Heroes: Real Life Stories from historys' greatest missionaries – eBook

- ISBN: 9781614580515, 9781614580515
- Page count: 0
- Published: 1994
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: New Leaf Publishing
- Language:
- Author:
"God had an only Son and He was a missionary." With these words, David Livingstone confirmed that he, too, would spend his life telling people in far-off lands about the love of God. This explorer, doctor, author, and missionary longed to see "the smoke of a thousand villages," because huddled around African tribal fires were people who might never hear the story of God's love unless missionaries obeyed God's call to serve Him. David Livingstone is one of 22 men and women whose exciting adventures will be enjoyed by the whole family. As you read each of these wonderful stories aloud during family times or on your own, you will see how you, too, can reach out to your world through deeds and prayer to tell others the good news about Jesus and His love.
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