Hazlo por un día (Do It For A Day)

- ISBN: 1644736012, 9781644736012
- Page count: 272
- Published: 2022-07-05
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Origen
- Language:
- Author:
En Sácale jugo al día, el autor bestseller del New York Times Mark Batterson introduce siete hábitos dinámicos que empoderan a las personas para transformar su día a día. Ahora, en Hazlo por un día, el autor nos invita a experimentar de manera personal el impulso motivador y los beneficios resultantes de crear o romper un solo hábito en 30 días.
El destino no es un misterio, sino que consiste en una serie de hábitos diarios. Nuestras vidas se basan en patrones de comportamiento: hábitos constructivos y hábitos contraproducentes. Son las cosas que hacemos y las que no hacemos las que determinan que alcancemos nuestras metas: salud mental y física, independencia financiera, relaciones satisfactorias. La buena noticia es que estás a tan solo un hábito de una vida totalmente diferente.
En Hazlo por un día, comenzarás por identificar un cambio que sea a la vez medible, significativo y sostenible. Haciendo uso de técnicas de creación y ruptura de hábitos como "cambio de hábito" y "apilamiento de hábito", Mark te guiará paso a paso durante 30 días que cambiarán tu vida.
The New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day challenges you to adopt seven powerful habits for thirty days and start your journey toward reaching your God-sized dreams.
Destiny is not a mystery. Destiny is daily habits. Our lives are built on our patterns of behavior: both constructive and counterproductive habits. Whether we attain the things we desire—mental and physical health, financial freedom, fulfilling relationships—is determined by the things we do and the things we don’t. The good news? You’re one habit away from a totally different life!
You don’t have to tackle the next 30 years.You just have to start with right now.
In Do It for a Day, you’ll begin by identifying a change that is "3M": measurable, meaningful, and maintainable. Habit formation is both an art and a science, and it helps to close the gap between you and your goals. You can do anything for a day, and those daily habits have a domino effect over time. Mark Batterson will help you hack your habits. Leveraging habit-making and habit-breaking techniques like habit switching and habit stacking, Mark will coach you step by step for 30 days that will change your life.Batterson unpacks these habits rooted in scripture and experience and then teaches you how to pursue them with dedication and life-changing focus in the now. After all, if yesterday is history and tomorrow is mystery, then all you have to do is win today!
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