God in Slow Motion: Reflections on Jesus and the 10 Unexpected Lessons You Can See in His Life – eBook

- ISBN: 9781400204632, 9781400204632
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-08-20
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Language:
- Author:
Jesus was not in a hurry.
He had only three years of public ministry—three years to heal and teach and change the world—but the Bible never tells us he was rushing through them.
We are the ones who rush through them. Catching the gist of this parable. Smiling at the punch line in that dialogue. We can race through the Gospels in hours, fully briefed on Christ’s life, but hardly changed.
Until we sit down with Mike Nappa’s God in Slow Motion. Nappa hasn’t carved up the Gospels for quick review or sliced them into tiny pieces for academic study. He has taken ten important moments from the life of Christ and reveled in them, chewing on their words, relating them to life, comparing them with modern culture, allowing the Spirit to work, and letting Christ change him.
The result is a rich, personal, and biblical narrative about Jesus and how His purposes unfold, then and now. See how God is sneaky about his glory. How he presents evidence for belief. How he can be comforting and terrifying at once. This is the “good news” in all its many-splendored wonder: the life of Christ, frame by frame.
And it is worth every minute because it will change you too.
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