God and Money: How We Discovered True Riches at Harvard Business School unabridged audio book on CD

- ISBN: 162862471X, 9781628624717
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2016
- Format: Compact disc
- Publisher: Rose Publishing
- Language:
- Author: John Cortines
John Cortines and Gregory Baumer met as Harvard MBA candidates in a men's Bible study and stopped asking "How much should I give?" and started asking "How much do I need to keep?" With their top-notch education and rising careers, Cortines and Baumer were guaranteed comfort and security for the rest of their lives. However, when their plans for saving and spending collided with God's purposes for extravagant generosity, they were each compelled to make a life-changing decision that challenges the values held by mainstream America and many Christian commentators. Cortines and Baumer show not only how radically give, but explain how to do so responsibly.
Dive into the story and get equipped with the practical tools to:
Easily set budgets for spendingWisely steward your moneyPrepare and save for your future-home ownership, retirement, higher education, etcKnow what the Bible says about money, tithing, and faithDiscern when to give and when not to give From the parables of the Rich Young Ruler to the Widow's Mite, the Bible shows us that how we manage our money is critical to our relationship with God. God and Money uses these parables and more to teach you to save, spend, and steward your money in a biblical way by planting God's purposes at the heart of your practices.
Unabridged audio CD; 6 CDs.
Rose Publishing Product Code: 4162A
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