God's Covenant With You for Life and Favor: Come Into Agreement with Him and Unlock His Power – eBook

- ISBN: 9781629980157, 9781629980157
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2015-04-07
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Charisma House
- Language:
- Author:
Covenant is enacted in every part of your life from marriage andfamily to deliverance and freedom all the way down to yourfinances. When you stay true to your covenant with God, you can besure that no matter what storms come in life, it is God's everlastingcovenant of peace that will bring you through victoriously. God ’s CovenantWith You for Life and Favor shows you how being in covenant with God:Frees you from your pastAllows you to harness your future with expectancyPuts you in position to receive the supernatural wisdom of GodCatapults you into the new things of God, and much more!When you stay true to your covenant with God, you can be sure that
for every circumstance you face, it is His everlasting covenant that
will bring you through to victory.
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