From Every People and Nation: The Book of Revelation in Intercultural Perspective

- ISBN: 0800637216, 9780800637217
- Page count: 282
- Published: 2005-04-04
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Fortress Press
- Language:
- Author:
A diverse group of New Testament scholars andtheologians offer myriad paths to a betterunderstanding of the Book of Revelation. They discusstopics such as Hispanic / Cuban American and AfricanAmerican perspectives, ecological issues, postcolonialthemes, and liberation theology. The book also provides a setof guidelines for intercultural Bible study.
The volume's contributors include:
Brian K. Blount
Justo Gonzlez
Harry O. Maier
Clarice J. Martin
James Okoye
Tina Pippin
Pablo Richard
Barbara R. Rossing
Vtor Westhelle
Khiok-Khng Yeo
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