Footsteps of Recovery: Devotions of Christian Faith for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Renewal – eBook

- ISBN: 9781449776176, 9781449776176
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-11-27
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: Tony Warren
Rev. Warren's definitive purpose in writing Footsteps of Recovery is to encourage the severely sick; to exhort souls; to edify those with physical, emotional, and spiritual needs; so they can know the comfort of God's presence in their lives. He reveals the importance of having balance in your life a balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Rev. Warren shares his personal hurt and near-death experiences even with hospice care, but reveals how he blossomed back with the affirmation of Christian faith. The dedication of these devotional messages is offered to help you during the thorny times of your life. The Footsteps of Recovery highlight the beauty of an eternal promise with our Lord and Savior. Tony's pastoral encouragement will help lead you toward the spiritual assurance of a healing recovery beyond your expectations.
The Lord has opened doors for Tony to preach with ordained enthusiasm and expository clarity, in over thirty years of successful preaching and Bible teaching experience. Tony holds BSBA and MBA degrees from East Carolina University, a Master of Divinity and a PhD in expository preaching from Trinity Theological Seminary, endorsed by the University of Liverpool. Other studies include the Billy Graham School of Evangelism and pastoral schools at Campbell University.
I am now a much better person and physician for our patient-physician relationship as well as our friendship.
Jason N. Katz, MD MHS, assistant professor; medical director, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit; UNC Hospital, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
One day I'm assisting Tony with his pre-arrangements for his funeral. A year later he's back preaching the Word of God again. Footsteps of Recovery truly reveal God's mighty power of healing and renewal.
Rev. Jim Cox, Southern Baptist Senior Pastor, Bethel Baptist Church,
Jackson, North Carolina
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