Following God: Jeremiah-A Bright Light in a Dark Season

- ISBN: 0899570305, 9780899570303
- Page count: 160
- Published: 2008
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: AMG Publishers
- Language:
- Author: Bette Nordberg
Some might ask, "How can the contents of a book written nearly twenty-five hundreds years ago have anything to do with me?" The truth is that Jeremiah's prophetic words regarding God's people are just as relevant today as the day were written.
The Book of Jeremiah: A Bright Light in a Dark Season is a Bible Study that will encourage you to live with the tenacity and obedience of the Old testament prophet, Jeremiah. During this eight-week interactive study, you will discover truths revealed by different voices and learn to identify exactly who is speaking. Of special importance, you will be able to differentiate between Jeremiah's voice and God's and learn to identify God's messages include personal words of encouragements to Jeremiah, God's servant, and reveal His own feelings and relationship with the people of Judah, Babylon, and the surrounding nations.
Nearly every page of this study is enhanced by historical, contemporary, and archeological sidebars-the familiar Following God series features that thousands have come to love.
Transport yourself into Jeremiah's time. Learn about his culture, and his people, and come to understand their prevailing attitude toward God, the fear surrounding their everyday lives, and their many struggles in an era of international instability. Most importantly, soak in the many challenging applications the Book of Jeremiah offers to people today.
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