Find Your Way Discussion Guide: A Three-Session Guide to Unleashing Your Greatest Potential – eBook
- ISBN: 9781496435781, 9781496435781
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-05-07
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
- Language:
- Author: Carly Fiorina
Find Your Way is not about laying out a plan. It's about discovering a path and whether you have what it takes to travel that path. It's about envisioning the opportunities in front of you. Let Carly Fiorina, the first female CEO of a Fortune 50 company in America, be your guide through the twists and turns of finding your own unique path in life.
Carly Fiorina believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that your potential can be unleashed. In the 3-session Find Your Way DVD Curriculum, she will show you the path to getting there. This Discussion Guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the DVD Study.
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