Feel: A Collection of Liturgies Offering Hope for Every Complicated Emotion – eBook

- ISBN: 9781493445257, 9781493445257
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2024
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Bethany House
- Language:
- Author:
Your emotions are not your enemy. They are a gift.
Feelings are messy, and we all have different strategies to deal with them–usually controlling, avoiding, or indulging them. But what if you allowed yourself to follow your feelings in prayer instead of trying to run from them?
In this beautifully illustrated collection of prayers and liturgies, spiritual director Anjuli Paschall helps you move from being stuck in your feelings to a place of peace by
· identifying and giving you words for every emotion–the good, the confusing, and the complicated–helping you name exactly what you feel
· offering you 75 prayers to pray–one for every feeling
· providing Scripture for every emotion
Feel is a resource to guide you throughout your day and offer you hope, wisdom, and courage through some of the most challenging seasons of your life. Instead of navigating around your feelings, allow them to guide you toward healing, wholeness, and abiding connection with God. And then, you will begin to see how feelings are a doorway into intimacy with a Savior who loves you.
Review Feel: A Collection of Liturgies Offering Hope for Every Complicated Emotion – eBook.