Every Waking Hour: An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians
Benjamin Quinn- ISBN: 157799678X, 9781577996781
- Page count: 144
- Published: 2016
- Format: Hardcover
- Publisher: Lexham Press
- Language:
- Author: Benjamin Quinn
Pastors and chaplains aren't the only ones in ministry–every Christian is called to be a minister through his or her work in the world. But in order to fully understand what this entails, we must look to the Bible and develop a fuller understanding of work as any way we interact with God's creation. Doing so may transform our view of how Sunday morning impacts our work-a-day lives–and vice versa.
In Every Waking Hour, Benjamin Quinn and Walter R. Strickland develop a biblically and theologically rich view of work, vocation, and how we may glorify God through everything we do.
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