Esta bien no estar bien (It's Okay Not to Be Okay)

- ISBN: 1540900576, 9781540900579
- Page count: 208
- Published: 2020
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Baker Books
- Language:
- Author:
Todas hemos experimentado momentos en que nos gustaría volver a empezar. Matrimonios fallidos, amistades estropeadas, adicciones, empleos perdidos. Esa no es la vida que imaginamos. El pasado puede dejarnos estancadas, tristes, avergonzadas, asustadas y ansiosas. Sheila quiere que enfrentes el dolor y comiences de nuevo, dondequiera que estés.
En Está bien no estar bien, Sheila te ayuda a superar la antigua rutina de luchas y dolor con solo cambiar la forma en que piensas acerca de Dios, de ti misma y de tu existencia. Además, te ofrece estrategias prácticas y realizables que te ayudarán cada día a avanzar paso a paso, consciente de que Dios nunca te fallará.
We've all experienced that moment where we wish we could start all over again. Failed marriages, lost friends, addictions, lost jobs. This is not the life we imagined. Yesterday can sometimes leave us stuck, sad, shamed, scared, and searching. Sheila Walsh encourages readers to face the pain head on and then start again, from right where they are. She shares that when she discovered "I'm not good enough and I'm good with that," everything started to change.
In It's Okay Not to Be Okay, Walsh helps women overcome the same old rut of struggles and pain by changing the way they think about God, themselves, and their everyday lives. She shares practical, doable, daily strategies that will help women move forward one step at a time knowing God will never let them down.
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