Equality is Biblical: Lifting the Curse of Eve
- ISBN: 0281083002, 9780281083008
- Page count: 128
- Published: 2020-07-21
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: SPCK Publishing
- Language:
- Author:
Women have proved their equality with men in leadership, scholarship and exercising spiritual gifts, but traditional interpretations of Scripture mean that leadership, for many Christians, is still predominantly male. Penelope Wilcock proposes a reading of Scripture that respects its authority while embracing the full equality of women and men.
Those who still talk of male ‘headship’ and ‘complementarity’ are stuck in a man-made time warp that has held Christian women back for far too long. Instead it’s time to fully grasp how the Cross brings reconciliation between the sexes, how both must be equally submitted to Christ, and how both are equal inheritors of the Kingdom.
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