Engineered for Success

- ISBN: 9781449768089, 9781449768089
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-10-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: John Peters
Engineered for Success is a unique work of applying the principles of engineering to your spiritual life. This design manual can help you build and reengineer your life. The Great Engineer built the world from nothing and then built man in his own image and likeness. God then released the male-man and female-man with an assignment to continue building on the Earth.
Every believer has been released with a mandate from God to be an engineer on the Earth. Engineered for Success is a reference source for believers with an interest in reengineering their spirits. You will be exposed to such principles as military engineering, water resource management, contract law, construction management, sound and vibration, and electrical engineering. This guide shares such truths as the Holy Spirit being your defence lawyer in contract law, the modern warfare weapons available to Christians in military engineering, and how God designed you to withstand every storm and quake in design analysis.
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