Empowered: How God Shaped 11 Women's Lives (And Can Shape Yours Too) – eBook

- ISBN: 9781535934602, 9781535934602
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2019-04-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: B&H Kids
- Language:
- Author:
Empowered takes the popular idea of what it means to be a strong girl and flips it on its head, using the stories of eleven faithful women to show that real power comes from our loving Father through His Son. In the pages of this book, girls will encounter women they may never have heard of. They will learn some of the character traits that go along with the Christian walk. But they will also encounter a God who is faithful to complete the work He has begun in them. They don't have to do the things these women have done to live a life of purpose; by making a direct connection to their daily lives, readers will have a bigger and a more personal view of their Father and His love for them.
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