Elementary Greek: Year 1 Workbook, Second Edition

- ISBN: 1615385045, 9781615385041
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2015
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Memoria Press
- Language:
- Author: Christine Gatchell
This Elementary Greek workbook is part of the Memoria Press Year 1 Elementary Greek, 2nd Edition course by Christine Gatchell.
Thirty lessons are included; a variety of exercises are provided, such as tracing and copying Greek letters, crosswords, matching Greek letters to their names, writing verb tense endings, translating words, identifying endings, conjugating verbs, writing declensions, learning parts of speech, and more.
94 pages, softcover. Non-reproducible and consumable workbook. 2nd Edition. Recommended for 5th Grade, or middle and high school students may use as a one-semester course.
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