Discovering God's Good News for You: A Guide to Romans 1-8
- ISBN: 0736958371, 9780736958370
- Page count: 144
- Published: 2014
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Language:
- Author: Stonecroft Ministries
How could a hard-hearted killer and Jesus-hater become the greatest-ever advocate for Christianity? Only because of the completeness of the transforming work of Christ.
That man, who became known as the apostle Paul, later wrote to the Christians in Rome, thoroughly explaining the unique greatness and power of God’s good news. Everyone is dead toward God because of sin and stands condemned, but anyone may gain right standing with Him through Jesus Christ. This rightness can come only by believing—by faith. Nothing can earn, buy, or be exchanged for it. And it brings new life and inner change.
This easy-to-use study of the first eight chapters of Romans offers open-ended discussion questions, Bible passages, and helpful explanations and applications to help you, or you and your group, grasp the wonder and transforming power of God’s work in your life.
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