Discovering Delight: 31 Meditations on Loving God's Law – eBook

- ISBN: 9781601783530, 9781601783530
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
- Language:
- Author: Glenda Mathes
Does the concept of loving law sound strange to you like two things that just don't go together? Christians today often don't want to read about law because they would rather revel in gospel and grace. Yet the Bible clearly links law with love, a connection we see in Psalm 119. In these insightful meditations, author Glenda Mathes sheds light on this long psalm that often gets short shrift. A closer look at Psalm 119, in particular, and several other psalms and Old and New Testament passages encourages readers to discover the delight of God's written Word and rejoice in loving His law.
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