Discover the Unseen: In Business, Life and Yourself – eBook

- ISBN: 9781613396582, 9781613396582
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-04-23
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Made for Success
- Language:
- Author: T.J. Wagoner
What would you do differently tomorrow if you realized that your life had greater purpose? How much longer could you go through the same daily routine, knowing that you were meant to do something more important and meaningful? Discover the Unseen is not just a book; it is an experience. This experience is designed to lead you through your personal journey in discovering your deepest desires and to living your Righteous Cause. Start participating in your life instead of letting life just happen!You are invited to experience literature that imparts meaning as well as knowledge. Jeff Wagoner's self-discovery book, Discover the Unseen is a journey designed around a process we've named Advent5 which guides you, the participant, in discovering all that is needed to begin the journey toward your ultimate purpose.Go on a journey with Jeff to discover the purpose and righteous cause within you by applying Advent5 , a method developed through Jeff's cumulative life experience and wisdom. He has helped guide coun…
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