Discipulos del reino (Kingdom Disciples)

- ISBN: 0825457971, 9780825457975
- Page count: 256
- Published: 2018
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Editorial Portavoz
- Language:
- Author: Tony Evans
En Discípulos del Reino, Tony Evans describe una definición simple y práctica de discipulado para ayudar a la iglesia a cumplir su llamado. El autor exhorta a los creyentes e iglesias a regresar a la principal responsabilidad ordenada divinamente de ser discípulos y hacer discípulos.
In Disciples of the Kingdom, Tony Evans describes a simple and practical definition of discipleship to help the church fulfill its call. The author exhorts the believers and churches to return to the main divinely ordained responsibility of being disciples and making disciples.
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