Disciplina de La Iglesia Metodista Unida 2016 – eBook

- ISBN: 9781501833304, 9781501833304
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2017-06-20
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: United Methodist Publishing House
- Language:
- Author: United Methodist Church
Translated into Spanish, The Book of Discipline details the plan by which United Methodists govern themselves, and describes their understanding of what is expected of laity and clergy as we seek to be effective witnesses in the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ. As the product of more than 200 years of General Conferences of the denominations that form The United Methodist Church, the Discipline honors the past and addresses the future.
The Book of Discipline includes: Church Law & Polity Our Constitution Our history Our doctrinal standards Our theological task Wesley’s inspiring words And more…
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