Desafío: El Amor Revelado, eLibro (The Love Revealed Challenge, eBook)

- ISBN: 9781937830762, 9781937830762
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Influence Resources
- Language:
- Author:
Acepte el desafío del amor revelado y experimente el genuino, transformador, extravagante, y consumidor amor de Dios para su vida y para otros a través de su vida. Esta guía para 45 días de devocional la ayudará a aplicar los principios que Kerry Clarensau presenta en El Amor Revelado. Cada lectura ofrece: "Puntos de las Escrituras," "Puntos para Meditar," y "Puntos de Desafío".
Accept the love revealed challenge and experience the genuine, transforming, extravagant, and consuming love of God for your life and for others through your life. This 45-day devotional guide will help you apply the principles presented in Kerry Clarensau's Love Revealed. Each reading provides: "Scripture Point," "Thought Point," and "Challenge Point".
Review Desafío: El Amor Revelado, eLibro (The Love Revealed Challenge, eBook).