Cómo salvar tu matrimonio antes de casarte (Saving Your Marriage Before Saying I Do)

- ISBN: 0998305189, 9780998305189
- Page count: 192
- Published: 2017-05-08
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: e625
- Language:
- Author: Paolo Lacota
Este es un material excelente que toda pareja considerando casarse debe leer. Respondiendo las preguntas m s ntimas que todos hacemos a la hora de casarnos, Paolo y Karen Lacota gu an a los lectores no solamente a considerar si est n listos, sino hacia una comprensi n m s profunda de la interdependencia del matrimonio. Este libro contiene ideas y secretos para asegurar el mejor comienzo a un matrimonio exitoso. Este recurso est acompa ado con una gu a online para consejer a prematrimonial. This is an excellent material that every couple considering marriage should read. Answering the most intimate questions we all ask when marrying, Paolo and Karen Lacota guide readers not only to consider whether they are ready, but to a deeper understanding of the interdependence of marriage. This book contains ideas and secrets to ensure the best start to a successful marriage. This resource is accompanied by an online guide to premarital counseling.
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