Commentary on Colossians and Philemon – eBook

- ISBN: 9781441237699, 9781441237699
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2011-11-01
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Baker Academic
- Language:
- Author: Robert H. Gundry
Delve Deeper into God's Word
In this verse-by-verse commentary, Robert Gundry offers a fresh, literal translation and a reliable exposition of Scripture for today's readers.
Paul's letter to the church at Colossae exhorts his addressees to behave in ways appropriate to Christ's person and work, while his letter to Philemon is a plea for the newly converted slave, Onesimus.
Pastors, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, and laypeople will welcome Gundry's nontechnical explanations and clarifications. And Bible students at all levels will appreciate his sparkling interpretations.
This selection is from Gundry's Commentary on the New Testament.
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