Come Up Here…the Door is Open: Visions and Angelic Encounters – eBook

- ISBN: 9781621367192, 9781621367192
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-11-04
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Creation House
- Language:
- Author:
If you knew heaven's door was opened wide for you to get a glimpse of heaven while on Earth, would you be willing to take a look?
Catherine E. Wright was, and it changed her life for eternity.
Come Up Here…the Door Is Open unveils Catherine's numerous supernatural experiences with the heavenly realms of visions and angels, and explains why they resulted when she accepted Jesus' invitation to enjoy a deeper spiritual life through worship. Scriptural foundations for her encounters, such as Acts 2:16-21, are provided, as are principles for accessing the heavenly realm.
Come Up Here…the Door Is Open is a compelling spiritual memoir of the author's spiritual life during periods of triumph, happiness, and sorrow. In it you'll see how her own personal angelic visions and encounters with Jesus unshakably deepened her love for Him.
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